
Watch memes all day long!

Memes job offer. archive photo. | Ultima Hora


If your perfect day involves watching memes on the internet, this could be your perfect job.

The Norwegian-based browser company, The Opera, is looking for someone who “loves memes, watching baby seal videos and studying conspiracy theories."

The successful applicant will be paid 8,000 euros for commenting on weird things on the internet for two weeks.


"We don't demand much from you," says the advert, "you love the web, you know what a browser is, you talk to yourself a lot, you have a computer and a stable internet connection, speak fluent English and are at least 18 years old."

If you meet the requirements all you have to do is record a 15-60 second video of yourself talking about the best or worst, funny or serious browsing moments you’ve experienced.

Next, upload your video to Facebook, Instagram, TikTok or YouTube with the hashtag #operapersonalbrowser.

For more information follow this link: https://opera.breezy.hr/p/8b097feb164e-personal-browser

Applications close on November 13.

Good luck!