DomusVi Can Carbonell, Marratxi, Mallorca. | Ultima Hora


The Government has taken over the DomusVi Can Carbonell private residence for the elderly in Marratxi after a coronavirus outbreak at the facility.

17 residents have been hospitalised with Covid-19 and 5 Healthcare workers tested positive during a routine screening at DomusVi Can Carbonell. Another 47 residents and 7 workers have been quarantined as a precaution.

The Department of Health is taking over the centre for the next 20 days to provide support, care for those with Covid-19 and introduce the necessary measures.

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The residents will be divided into three separate zones; one for those who test positive; one for those who’ve had close contact with someone who’s infected and one for those with symptoms.

A Health Coordinator has been appointed to coordinate activity at the centre and direct the team.

The Government has intervened at 6 residences for the elderly since the start of the pandemic; Bell Entorn and Seniors in Inca, Oasis and DomusVi in Palma, Reina Sofí in Eivissa and Juan XXIII Board for people with intellectual disabilities in Inca.

According to the latest figures, 78 residents and 59 Healthcare workers at centres for the elderly have coronavirus and 56 residents have been hospitalised.