What to do this weekend

Family and children activities

Circo Alegría is back in Palma with a water show. | Alberto Martin fotoalmat@gmail.c


Don't know what to do with the family this weekend? Here we give you a couple of suggestions.

Saturday, November 21

· Circus

Palma. 12.00, 16.30 and 19.30: Circo Alegria return to the island with their new show “Circo Sobre Agua 2” at Son Fusteret fair grounds. Shows run from Thursday’s to Sunday’s until January 10, 2021. Visit www.circoalegria.es for more information which is available in English. On Sunday shows are at 12.00 and 18.00.

· Family activity

Palma. From 5.30 to 7.30 at Fan Shopping Centre (by Coll d'en Rebassa) by Chipichop Animations, a family activity of dances and choreographies. It will take place in the square between Dock39 and Carrefour. The square will be limited so that only pre-registered can attend. For further information see https://www.fanmallorca.com/author/fanmallorca/

· Exhibition

Palma. 12.00 ‘Tomàs Harris, Engraver in Mallorca’ - has opened at Can Balaguer in Palma. The exhibition at Can Balaguer (C. Unió 3) just along from C&A, is open from 10.00 to 14.00 Tuesday to Friday and 10.30 to 13.30 on Saturday and Sunday. It lasts until March 21. Reservations at canbalaguer@palma.cat. Guided visit for an hour. Harris is best known for having been the MI6 spy who, with double agent Joan Pujol Garcia, pulled off what became known as the Garbo deception ahead of the Normandy landings in 1944.

· Workshops

Palma. 11.00 (Catalan) and 11.30 (Spanish) discover Palma's Cathedral with the family. The little ones can discover when it was built and what was is it's purpose and why it is know as the Cathedral of the light and which known artists have done their work inside. Price 5 euros. Reservations at www.catedraldemallorca.org.

Palma. 11.00: Unicorn workshop at Club de las Hadas (Carrer Parc, 46) in Palma. Duration 1 hour and 30 minutes. Price 10 euros (includes snack). Reservation by Whatsapp 627 010 002. D

· Film in English

Palma. Screening at 11.30, 16.10, 18.30 and 20.35 of the biography/drama film Mank directed by David Fincher and starring Gary Oldman, Amanda Seyfried and Lily Collins at CineCiutat in Palma. Duration 2 horus and 11 minutes. More information visit www.cineciutat.org.

Sunday, November 22

· Musical

Palma. 18.00: Matilda at Sala Dante (Camino de Jesus, 54 - Ctra. Puigpunyent, 54) in Palma. Reservations by phone or whatsapp at 639 601 080. Tickets 7 euros. Another show also on Sunday November 28.