Children's Entertainment Workers during recent protests. | Ultima Hora


Children’s entertainment venues might reopen in the Balearic Islands from next Saturday, November 28, with strict conditions attached, according to the Ministry of Health & Consumption.

Kids attractions and fairs will also be allowed to open but only three attractions will be allowed at the same location unless they are exclusively for individual use.

Face masks will be compulsory for all employees and anyone over six years old; audiences must be seated with a minimum distance of 2 metres unless they live together, which will also determine how many people can be at each attraction and everyone must use the seats allocated by attraction staff.

Different entrances and exits should be enabled with access via a single ticket; hydro-alcoholic gel must be available for workers, children and accompanying adults and all surfaces must be disinfected after each use.

Informative posters should be visible with details of the health and safety measures and the maximum capacity at each location.

Trampoline-type attractions can only be allowed by one child at a time unless the children live together.

Strict measures will also be in place at entertainment venues.

Capacity is limited to 50% in Mallorca and Ibiza with groups of no more than 10 people.

In Minorca, groups of 10-15 people will be allowed but will be dependent on the latest epidemiological data and children must be put in bubble groups at scheduled events.

Staff at children's entertainment venues must inform event organisers, adults and children of their capacity limitations.

Strict hand and surface hygiene measures must be applied and premises should be adequately ventilated.

Children aged six and over must wear a face mask, except when eating or drinking.