Government slams on the brakes on Palma ringroad

WARNING: don't go over 80!

Via de Cintura, Palma. archive photo. | Ultima Hora


The speed limit on the Via de Cintura in Palma is being reduced from 120 kilometres an hour to 80, according to the Consell de Mallorca.

The change was decided during the previous legislature but wasn’t implemented and Mobility Minister Iván Sevillano says lowering the speed limit will help fight pollution and reduce emissions.

A few weeks ago Palma City Council introduced a maximum speed limit of 30 kilometres an hour in most of the city, although there are still some roads with top speeds of 40 and 50 kilometres an hour.

The exact details of the new restrictions on the Via de Cintura will be revealed on Thursday but it's expected to be enforced from es Molinar to the Bonanova tunnels.