Majorca tourism

Committee of experts to advise on Balearics tourism reactivation

A multidisciplinary committee

The first meeting of the committee of experts. | @Treball_Goib


The tourism ministry has set up a committee of experts to advise on the reactivation of tourism in the Balearics. This committee comprises people with tourism, economic, health, scientific and technological expertise.

The ministry says that its strategy for reactivation will be guided by the committee, which met for the first time on Friday to establish its procedures in creating a model to position the Balearics as a safe tourism destination in 2021. Subsequent meetings will determine measures and protocols for achieving this positioning.

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The initial meeting was chaired by the tourism minister, Iago Negueruela. The committee's coordinators will be the director-general for tourism, Rosana Morillo, and the deputy director of the Aetib tourism strategy agency, Esther Callizo.

Among the committee's members are the vice-president of the Mallorca Hoteliers Federation, María José Aguiló, the area managing director of Meliá Hotels International, Alberto Lalinde, the IB-Salut director of management and budgets, Manuel Palomino, and the director of the Fundación Impulsa's economic intelligence unit, Aina Ripoli.