Mallorca reservations soar as UK vaccine is approved

British Tourists booking holidays in Mallorca

London, UK. | EFE


British Holiday bookings for Mallorca and other Mediterranean destinations soared by 30% on Wednesday after it was announced that the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine has been approved for use in the UK.

The response was much better than forecast by ABTA, Tour Operators and Airlines and online reservations increased throughout the day, proving that people are keen to travel now that there’s a Covid-19 vaccine available.

"Most of the reservations were made for summer 2021, but with discounts on offer for March, April and May we are predicting that the tourist season will be better in 2021, even although it will still be around 50% less than 2019,” said Tour Operators. “The positive thing is that it will be a big improvement on this year.”

Foreign Tourists

Between January and October 1.67 million foreign tourists visited the Balearic Islands, that's a drop of 87.4% compared to the same period in 2019 because of the coronavirus pandemic.

2020 has been the worst year ever for foreign tourism in the Balearic Islands thanks to inter-country travel restrictions and compulsory quarantines.

It’s hoped that with the approval of the Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus vaccine and other vaccines on the way, the Tourism Sector will recover in 2021.