Alcohol & drug checks on the roads of Mallorca

More drivers testing positive for alcohol & drugs in Mallorca

Police checkpoints in Mallorca. | EFE


More Police checkpoints are being set up on the roads in Mallorca after the number of people caught driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol soared from 35% to 50% in the last three months, according to the Directorate General of Traffic.

The number of drivers who tested positive for drugs after an accident also rose from 19% to 23%.

The DGT has launched a new campaign to monitor alcohol and drug use amongst drivers which will run until December 13. The campaign is also included in the calendar of actions carried out by the International Traffic Police Organisation, or TISPOL.

“Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol not only increases the incidence rate of accidents, it also increases the severity of them,” said the DGT.

Checkpoints will be set up on all types of roads at different time of the day to stamp out alcohol and drug use on the roads and raise awareness of the dangers involved.

Alcohol was the second leading cause of fatal accidents in 2019 after distraction and more than one in three dead drivers had consumed alcohol or drugs.