Sant Llorenç Investment Plan

Millions to be spent in Sant Llorenç

Bartomeu Gili, Antoni Amengual, Xisca Mora, Onofre Garcia & Sant Llorenç Mayor Mateu Puigròs. | J. Socies


More than 3 million euros is to be spent shoring up infrastructures in Sant Llorenç which were affected by the devastating storms in October 2018, according to the Pl Group at the Consell de Mallorca.

"We are happy that this investment has been agreed and would like the money to be spent on the projects that the Town Hall has sent to the Council,” said Pl Councillor Onofre Garcia, “but if the money is invested in other projects that are necessary to avoid another extreme situation like the one we experienced, they are welcome to it."

The formation has the full support of Sant Llorenç Mayor Mateu Puigròs and formation President, Antoni Amengual pointed out that "in total the Council will allocate around 20 million euros to Pl revitalisation projects in the Part Forana in 2021."

Municipal Projects

Formation Spokesperson, Xisca Mora stressed that "the formation has worked to carry out Municipal projects that will improve the lives of Mallorcans."