Coronavirus news

Covid-19 vaccination begins next weekend in Spain

2.5 million people will be immunised in First Phase

Healthcare Worker giving Covid-19 Vaccine. recent photo. | Reuters


Covid-19 vaccinations will definitely begin in Spain on Sunday, December 27, according to Health Minister, Salvador Illa.

Europe will distribute the first doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine on Saturday December 26 and after that the doses will be distributed weekly amongst the Autonomous Communities.

Salvador Illa, Health Minister.

Minister Illa praised the measures taken in the Balearic Islands and other Autonomous Communities as coronavirus cases increased and confirmed that the vaccine will be distributed free of charge through the public health system.

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Under the Vaccination Plan 2.5 million people will be vaccinated during the first stage of immunisation, including residents and Healthcare Personnel at Nursing Homes, other Healthcare Workers and non-institutionalised dependents.

Next in line will be those over 65, at risk groups, anyone living or working in closed communities or environments, vulnerable people, teachers, children, adolescents, residents in areas with significant coronavirus infections or high incidence, pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding and those diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2.

Vaccinating the population is the beginning of the end, but it’s not the end,” said Minister Illa, who stressed that the coronavirus restrictions will still have to be followed.