Stricter measures look likely in Mallorca

The restrictions in Mallorca will be reviewed next week

Francina Armengo, President of the Balearic Government & Fina Santiago, Social Affairs Minister. | Ultima Hora


The risk of contracting coronavirus in Mallorca is considered very high right now and we may be heading for even tighter restrictions.

The incidence rate is 518 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 14 days and 319 cases in the last 7 days, which suggests there could be an explosive increase in infections next week.

That's also when the President of the Government, Francina Armengol will decide whether to extend the current measures or make them even stricter.

“Mallorca is in extreme danger with a very high spread of the virus,” said President Armengol, who again urged residents to stay put at Christmas. "We are appealing to the responsibility of adults and are also studying other containment measures. "Nothing is ruled out,” she warned. "We are living a terrible reality, with an exponential increase in infections and that’s why I’m asking people to take responsibly.”

Incidence rate data from the Ministry of Health appears to support President Armengol’s concern over the spread of Covid-19 in Mallorca.


On Monday, 328 people tested positive for coronavirus in the Balearic Islands, one fatality was confirmed and the positivity rate is 9.5%, which is almost double what the World Health Organisation considers necessary to control the virus.

The Balearic Islands has had the highest incidence rate in the country for the last 7 days and the most infections per inhabitant since a week past Monday.

Hospitals are under increasing pressure as more people are admitted. 23 people were hospitalised on Monday and one person was admitted to the ICU. There are now a total of 354 people in hospital with coronavirus and 53 patients are in the ICU


Escorca is the only Municipality in Mallorca that’s completely free of Covid-19, according to the latest data from the Health Service.

Between December 17 and December 20, coronavirus infections increased in 35 Municipalities and around 500 new active cases were identified in Palma. There was also a significant rise in cases in Inca and Marratxí.