Palma is ready for post-Covid Cruise Tourism

The Ponent Nord Pier imporvement works are complete

The new Esplanade on Ponent Nord Pier in Palma. | Balearic Port Authority


Improvement works on the Ponent Nord pier are now finished, creating a massive 36,000 m2 area to accommodate a large esplanade for bus parking, expand Maritime Station 4 and extend the berthing line.

The work cost 21,452,845.57 euros and is part of a project designed to meet the rise in cruise tourism.

Cruise ships have been banned from Spanish ports since March, but around two million cruise tourists are expected to visit Palma next year, if and when the coronavirus restrictions are lifted.


The area behind the old Maritime Station where the panoramic terrace used to be, before it became Terminal 1 and the tower that housed the old restaurant have been demolished.

The old alignment has been completely filled in, extending the mooring line in the Ponent Nord quay extension and brand new street lamps have been installed.

The Balearic Port Authority’s renovations fly in the face of growing demand to establish a limit of 2-3 cruise ships per day in Palma Port.