"Fijo discontinuo" bonuses to be extended until October 2021

Part of a 4,200 million euros package

Francina Armengol and Yolanda Díaz in Palma on Tuesday. | Miquel À. Cañellas


At the Tuesday meeting in Palma of the so-called social dialogue table, it was announced that the Spanish government has approved an extension to the 50% bonuses for the employment of workers on "fijo discontinuo" contracts from April to October 2021.

On Tuesday, the Spanish government approved a decree that contains a raft of measures to help the tourism and hospitality industries. The finance minister, María Jesús Montero, said that these measures will equate to 4,200 million euros, and one of them is specific to "fijo discontinuo" employees, of whom there are some 83,000 in the Balearics, mostly all of them in tourism-related sectors.

The wording of a government statement says that the decree maintains the 50% bonuses for the extension of the period of activity of workers with this type of contract from April to October 2021 in addition to the period already provided for in the 2021 budget for the months of February, March and November. These bonuses will be compatible with exemptions from social security contributions which, eventually, may be applicable.

President Armengol said that this was a "fundamental measure" for the Balearics.

The decree also covers matters such as tax deferrals, rents and loans, including a new line of credit amounting to 500 million euros for small businesses and the self-employed in the tourism, hospitality and related industries.

In addition to Armengol, those who attended the Palma meeting included the national minister of employment, Yolanda Díaz, the Balearic minister for the economic model, tourism and employment, Iago Negueruela, and leaders of the main employers associations - CAEB and Pimem - and of the two main unions, the CCOO and the UGT.

* "Fijo discontinuo" is a form of permanent employment but adjusted to seasonal requirements.