Mayor again criticises lack of traffic control in Escorca

A second day of chaos

No room left for vehicles, according to the mayor. | @ToniSolivellas


Escorca's mayor, Toni Solivellas, who on Saturday attacked the "total lack of coordination" for dealing with the volume of traffic, took to Twitter again on Sunday. He repeated his criticism of the chaos caused by the number of vehicles, with people heading into the mountains to see the snow, and once more called on the Balearic government to help because of the risks.

He tweeted that he had just informed the 112 emergency service that, as the road was closed from Coll de Sa Bataia, there was no more room for vehicles in the Vall de Lluc area.

Cars were parked along the main MA-10 road. The mayor noted that Escorca town hall has only the one police officer and demanded that the government provides information personnel to help control the situation.