On Monday, cars were queuing to get onto roads leading to shopping centres in Palma, a situation that had been predicted because of the weekend closure of large retail outlets. This measure came into effect on December 29 and will also apply to the coming weekend to coincide with the start of the official January sales season.
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As for cutting back car parking spaces - what has this achieved - chaos and higher risk of accidents and possible injuries. Big errors of judgement have been made. I really don't think that the vast majority of people have slackened their attention to risk of infection, in fact I see more attention to it. However, the latest restrictions are much more likely to be the cause of any further increase in infections. They need to be redacted ASAP to reverse any damage and then allow more trading hours - not less.
Do not worry, Zoe, they also have to drive slower so their engines run longer and pollute more.
The rules at times are put in place without proper consideration to the realities. Why cut shopping hours? Doesn’t the government realise what would happen? Let me spell it out, same number of people still shop, but in a shorter time period with the result of maximum allowed number in a shop at the same time. Really crazy policy.
It doesn't need much thinking to know that reducing capacities and operating hours at a time when demand is even higher than normal will cause crowding.
Thousands of people crushing in to buy products with reduced hours , car parks packed which has increased traffic problems due to reduced parking spaces. They really have no idea.
Only a one word comment: DUHHHH!!!!!!