More traffic chaos in Escorca as town hall says it will prevent access

Selva's mayor joins the call for procedures

The main road was closed because of further snow. | Lola Olmo


Escorca's mayor, Antoni Solivellas, says that the town hall will prevent access to Lluc and other areas of the municipality once all parking spaces are taken. He wants to avoid repetition of the type of traffic chaos that occurred at the weekend because of the sheer number of cars.

The mayor explains that the congestion lasted until 8pm on Saturday and that by 8am on Sunday, the Es Guix roads and the Lluc and Son Amer car parks were already full. "We had to close them with the help of a local police officer and a Civil Protection volunteer."

At the weekend, Solivellas denounced the absence of procedures for dealing with a situation that happens every time it snows in the Tramuntana. "We've been asking for something since 2018. We've had no response, and the situation is getting worse." On Monday, the town hall once more sent a request. This went to the emergencies directorate, the national government delegation, President Armengol and Catalina Cladera, the president of the Council of Mallorca.

Solivellas adds that there was a meeting in 2018 with the public administration ministry. "But nothing was done. This time, you could see it coming because of the health situation, the closed shopping centres and the snow. It was foreseeable and yet no one was worried about it. Only the environment minister, Miquel Mir, called to say that he would arrange for information personnel in recreational areas."

He is not the only mayor to complain about the problems caused by the overcrowding in the mountains, especially when there is snow. Joan Rotger in Selva is to ask for a meeting with the public administration ministry in order to draw up procedures that will prevent situations such as those at the weekend, when there were queues of cars from Caimari to Lluc.

On Tuesday, and despite the requests from the Balearic government for people not to go into the mountains, there was more traffic congestion. The Tramuntana main road was closed in the area of Coll de Sa Batalla because of further snow, while the car park in Son Amer was full from early in the morning.