The prime minister said this during his speech at the meeting of the executive council of the UN World Tourism Organization. The Mallorca Hoteliers Federation and the Association of Hotel Chains believe that his observation was unacceptable and harmful to the tourism industry, to the image of Spain and to the chances of recovery.
On Wednesday, the hoteliers said that the prime minister should be speeding up an effective vaccination programme and have a more coordinated strategy with the regions by providing them with the means for vaccination. If he "truly" believes in the importance of the tourism industry, then he should help businesses to keep going and therefore maintain employment.
It is unacceptable that the prime minister, rather than give "a clear and forceful message" about the recovery of tourism, did not choose his words better in a public setting. The hoteliers argue that real support for tourism does not just involve an extension to ERTE. There needs to be an "immediate" tourism rescue plan, including more flexible regulations to reduce tax burdens.
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What Erte? What extension? Extend what? How can you extend something that doesn't exist? I have friends that are on 'erte' since September. They didn't get a dime since then and are at the bottom of their savings. Lucky they had any, considering the prices in Palma...
Sadly, with the rate of vaccination as slow as it is, especially in Mallorca, he is probably being a tad optimistic to say the least. It has felt like Groundhog Day these last months here but to face what looks like being a Groundhog Year? Dreadful.