Call for unity at mass demonstration in Palma on Friday

Thousands have vowed to join Palma protest

Hospitality Sector Demonstration in Palma. | EFE


The organisers of a protest scheduled to take place in Palma this Friday are calling for unity in action in the Restaurant Sector.

"Being united is essential," said CAEB President Carmen Planas and and PIMEM President Jordi Mora.

The economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic has caused exceptional hardship for bar and restaurant owners and they were furious when the Government recently shut down the Hospitality Sector for another two weeks.

Their discontent has prompted the birth of a new Restaurant Association called Arema.

We didn’t feel represented by the bosses, they didn’t even consult us about any of the issues they were going to discuss with the politicians at their meetings,” said Arema Promoter, Jaume Colombàs.

Both CAEB and PIMEM say they respect the decision to launch Arema.

"Perhaps we’ve not been able to convey the work and effort we make," said Robledo. "I think now is the time to join forces and not to confront or divide.”

"We are at a time when it is vital to stick together more than ever,” added Mora, who acknowledged “communication needs to be improved so that our partners and society are aware of what we do."

Both employers insist they will continue to defend the interests of all business owners.


CAEB and PIMEM do not support and are not participating in Friday’s demonstration, claiming the event organiser, La Resistencia is not a business movement and does not represent their Associations.