Coronavirus news

Ibiza closed to all but essential travel

366 new positive cases on Friday

Pilar Costa, who is from Ibiza, speaking on Friday. | Govern de les Illes Balears


The Balearic government has ordered the perimeter closure of the island of Ibiza, meaning that travel to and from the island will be restricted to justifiable reasons, e.g. work or health.

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Spokesperson Pilar Costa said on Friday that the epidemiological situation in Ibiza is "very worrying". Days of "extreme difficulty" remain, she added. The government is not due to review measures until January 30.

There is mass screening for coronavirus in all of Ibiza's five municipalities. The Friday report from the Balearic health ministry showed that Ibiza is continuing to register far more new daily cases of the virus than Mallorca - 366 against 279. The population of Ibiza is around one-sixth of Mallorca's.