European Commission sets out Covid travel guidelines

What you should and shouldn't do

Travel recommendations.


10 European Commission recommendations for travelling safely in coronavirus times.

  • Book tickets and check-in online to avoid queues, when possible
  • Respect social distancing during luggage drop-off, security checks, boarding and baggage claim
  • Fewer passengers may be allowed on board and you might be asked to sit at a distance from passengers who are not part of your household.
  • When social distancing is difficult to ensure, you might be asked to wear face masks
  • Food, beverages and other goods may not be available on board
  • Transport companies may install protective barriers, for example between passengers and a coach driver. You may be asked to board through the back door
  • Drivers should open doors automatically at every stop, so passengers don’t have to touch buttons or handles
  • Stations, ports and airports should guarantee regular cleaning and disinfection and provide sanitising/disinfecting products, including on board
  • There should be appropriate ventilation on all transport
  • Passengers can choose between refund or rerouting for cancelled tickets. If the transport company offers a voucher, you still have the right to ask for a refund