Palma unemployment up by 46.5%

Hiring fell by 50%

The original state of alarm brought most economic activity to a standstill. | Jaume Morey


Unemployment in Palma increased by 46.5% in 2020. The year ended with 9,656 more unemployed.

The town hall's PalmaActiva agency says that unemployment increased among all groups but especially among young people - it was up 68.2%. For all men, the rise was 52.1% and for women 42%. In the over-45 age group the increase was 27.9%.

The greatest increase in unemployment was in the hotel sector - 54.9% (2,311 more unemployed). For retail there was a 48.2% rise (1,399 more unemployed). Other services went up 43.3%, construction by 43.2%, industry by 41.2% and agriculture by 34.3%.

Among women, the greatest rise (55%) was for domestic activities, followed by accommodation services (52.94%) and food and beverage services (50.54%). Among men, there was a 84.2% rise in unemployment in office administration, an increase of 69.26% for food and beverage services and 64.9% for land transport.

Over the course of the year there were 102,490 new employment contracts, a fall of 51.5%. Hiring fell in all sectors except agriculture. The decrease was especially high in the hotel sector - down 72.8%. The rise for agriculture was 29.2%, with 214 more contracts. Of all new contracts, 13.97% were for hotels, 13.89% for retail and 13.85% for construction.