Palma city council allegedly tracked journalists' calls over Hat Bar leak

President Armengol admitted drinking in the Hat Bar after hours

Hat Bar, Palma. | Ultima Hora


Palma city council allegedly asked Police Officers to track calls made to and from journalists’ mobile phones in a bid to find out who leaked the report confirming President Armengol was drinking in a bar in Palma after hours.

The investigation into the alleged leak of the report was filed with the court in the early hours of Monday by the National Police.

In their letter, Organised Crime Group Officers who are responsible for the case, indicate that they initiated the investigation into the complaint filed by Palma City Council. Internal Affairs Officers from the Municipal Police also provided them with a prior report.

The Local Police reportedly pointed out several suspects in their report and asked the National Police to track their calls, including those of an Officer who is currently under investigation.

The purpose of the investigation was to cross check the calls with mobile phones belonging to journalists who cover breaking news and establish a link between them and the newspaper that published the story.

After tracking the calls the National Police Officers concluded that there was no contact.

It will now be up to the investigating judge and the Public Prosecutor's Office to decide whether to initiate preliminary proceedings or to close the case for lack of evidence.

In relation to the denunciation of the disappearance of the report at San Fernando barracks, the investigation concludes that the document was never lost and blaming it to an administrative error.

This conclusion is based on the statement of some municipal officials, because the Local Police Headquarters did not provide the agents of the Organised Crime Group with the recordings of the cameras in the offices.

Although Cort's commanders reported the disappearance, they now claim the report was folded and put in the appropriate tray.

On Monday opposition politicians heavily criticised the investigation.

There are people more interested in demonising local police than in criticising President Armengol's irresponsible behaviour,” said Vox Councillor Fulgencio Coll. “Once again, an attempt is being made to use an Officer as a scapegoat instead of blaming the one who is responsible; President Armengol is the one who broke the rules.

Government Spokesperson Pilar Costa claims that the Regional Government has no information on any investigation related to the report about the Hat Bar in Palma.