The CEHAT national confederation of hotels feels that Easter may be a time "to get down to work", anticipating that there will be national tourism and tourism within regions.
The hoteliers say that there are difficult months ahead and are insisting on measures they have been demanding, such as safe tourist corridors and the acceptance of antigen tests.
The third wave has meant a "shocking" situation for the hotel industry, but CEHAT stresses that hotels have all possible protection measures and the necessary protocols to resume activity when this is possible. The president of the confederation, Jorge Marichal, says that hotel companies are "eager to return to normal operations as soon as appropriate health conditions allow".
It has been shown, CEHAT notes, that protocols work as "no wave of the virus has been caused by tourism and there have been no outbreaks attributable to any hotel facility".
As well as hopes for the vaccination programme, the hoteliers welcome the proposal for a digital health passport to enable safe travel. It is necessary, they believe, to have a single, worldwide certificate. They applaud Spain's tourism minister, Reyes Maroto, for making Spain "a pioneer in requesting this passport".
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What Easter 2021 2022 or 2023
First job? Clear all the sewage off the beaches. Third world status charging 1st world prices.