AME8165. BUENOS AIRES (ARGENTINA), 07/01/2021.- Personal sanitario prepara pruebas para detectar la covid- 19 hoy jueves, en un centro de control de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Multitud de personas hacen fila a las puertas de los centros de testeo en Buenos Aires para hacerse hisopados de covid-19, muchas con síntomas y otras por marcharse o volver de vacaciones, en una temporada de verano que está disparando los contagios mientras el Gobierno argentino analiza endurecer las restricciones de circulación. EFE/Juan Ignacio Roncoroni Multitud de personas hace fila para hacerse hisopados de covid-19 | Juan Ignacio Roncoroni


A few European Union countries have taken steps to distribute special passes to allow citizens inoculated against the coronavirus that causes COVID-19 to travel freely.

  • Denmark said it would go ahead and develop by the end of the month a digital COVID passport that would help its citizens travel to countries requiring a vaccination, and also allow them to visit restaurants or attend mass events.
  • Sweden also announced this week that it would launch such a pass in time for the summer season, if some form of international standard is in place by then.
  • Other European countries such as France and Germany have voiced their concerns about the so-called vaccine passport, on the grounds that it would mean special treatment for a privileged class of citizens — notably to the detriment of the younger population.
  • Those concerns are likely to be dwarfed by the strong economic and business considerations. Tests are already required for cross-border travel in most of Europe, and vaccination passes would help the airline industry and major tourist destinations like Greece or Italy recover more quickly from the slump.
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