The Mallorca holiday plans of thousands of people were dealt another blow this morning when British transport minister, Grant Schapps, said that there was no "exact date" on when Britons will be able to go on holiday this year either home or abroad.
The Mallorca holiday plans of thousands of people were dealt another blow this morning when British transport minister, Grant Schapps, said that there was no "exact date" on when Britons will be able to go on holiday this year either home or abroad.
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What are flights to Mallorca got to do with the UK government. We can't have tourists back from anywhere until we're all vaccinated here, - do they plan to come over and help out with the vaccinations ?
I agree with Steve, give me Cornwall anyday over that. Plus the food is better at all the wonderful restaurants at Padstow.
Given the slow vaccine roll out in Mallorca, I think that an ‘Easter’ return was extremely optimistic. A return to tourism is going to be a two way street, the destination country will have to have a vaccinated population to make it low risk. This is the crucial point and one which appears to be evading the local government at the moment. Given the size of the population, speedy vaccination is possible, but only if they secure the doses and then organise quickly. Tourists will not come, there will be tight restrictions, unless Mallorca and the islands can prove they are a safe destination. Until then, tourism and consequently the economy will be dead in the water.
If the UK wants to stop people booking trips to Mallorca, all they need to do is show them the picture for this article above. Looks like hell on earth.