Armengol stresses need for slow and cautious relaxation of restrictions

Waiting on Friday's cabinet meeting

President Armengol visited Inca Hospital on Thursday. | @HospitaldeInca


During a visit to Inca Hospital on Thursday, President Armengol reiterated the need for de-escalation of the current restrictions to be slow and cautious in order to prevent the possibility of a "fourth wave".

Armengol said that the third wave is receding but stressed that the situation with intensive care remains difficult, while there is also the threat of the UK variant. She once more said that a lesson of the pandemic is that while restrictions have to be activated rapidly when there is a rise in infections, a relaxation when there is a fall in infections has to be slower.

The president stated that she understood the "suffering and pain" of those with small businesses who have been forced to close for the good of society. She noted that aid has been available since December. Regarding Friday's cabinet meeting, Armengol did not specify any decisions that are likely to be approved beyond a relaxation of measures as they apply to some of the retail sector.

The social dialogue table of government, business and union representatives was scheduled to meet later on Thursday to hear the government's latest proposed measures.