Sentences totalling 24 years for burglaries in Mallorca

Expulsion from Spain

The gang comprised four men and one woman. | Juan P. Martínez


Five members of a gang who committed 44 burglaries in Mallorca have accepted prison sentences totalling 24 years and eight months and the demand to pay 525,195 euros compensation.

An agreement between the defence and prosecution meant that there was no need for a trial scheduled to have started in Palma on Thursday. The prosecution had initially sought sentences totalling 47 years.

Four men, all Albanian, were remanded in custody in 2019, the crimes having been committed between July 2018 and August 2019. Jewellery, luxury watches, computers and other devices as well as cars were their principal targets. They have each been sentenced to four years and eleven months for repeated robbery and to six months for membership of a criminal gang. Two of them have been sentenced to an additional six months for document falsification. They will be expelled from Spain for ten years once the Covid situation improves.

The fifth person, a Spanish woman who was an accomplice, has been given a two-year sentence suspended for three years.