Local businessman leaves property & cash to Felanitx Hospice

Felanitx Hospice to inherit thousands from Bartolomé Llopis Vaquer

Bartolomé Llopis Vaquer leaves property to Felanitx Hospice. | Gori Vicens


Bartolomé Llopis Vaquer, a Felanitx businessman who died in January 2019, has left assets valued at 370,000 euros to the Fundació Residència Mare de Déu de Sant Salvador, which is known in the town as the Hospici-Hospital-Residencia.

The Hospice is owned by the City Council and is held in high regard for the social and medical services it's provided for 120 years.

Felanitx Mayor, Jaume Monserrat said the Council was extremely grateful for the legacy.

It was Mr Llopis' wish that the money be used to improve spaces in the Hospice and it will be done,” he said.

Bartolomé Llopis has donated a ground floor property of about 80 metres with a 32 metre garden, and a 42 metre garage/warehouse in a multifamily building on Carrer Tintorera in the La Fe area of the town, as well as an all-terrain vehicle worth 24,000 euros and 160,400 euros in cash.

The Council is still deciding how to use the property and says it may give it to some organisations to use for meetings or use it as Municipal Offices.

We are already thinking about how to invest the cash in order to fulfil Bartolomé Llopis’ last wishes,” said Mayor Monserrat. “A few years ago the main building of the Hospice was renovated but in the area that houses the day Centre, which is managed by the IMAS, there's still some work that needs to be done.”