The Miró Fundació Library renamed

The library is a tribute to Pilar Juncosa

The Pilar Juncosa Library. | Ultima Hora


The Miró Fundació Library is now called the Pilar Juncosa Library and the name has been given the stamp of approval by the Government Commission of the Miró Mallorca Foundation.

The initiative was launched by the person in charge of the Fundació's archive and library and is a tribute to Pilar Juncosa, who was central to the life and work of Miró and the construction of the building that houses the library. She also played an active role in the constitution of the Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró in Mallorca in 1981 when the couple laid the foundations.

In 1986, after the artist's death, Pilar Juncosa completed Mirós legacy; transferring the workshops and raising money to build the Fundació's headquarters. She also donated the land that the museum currently stands on and auctioned 42 of the artist's works to raise funds.

"The Moneo Building is the imprint that Pilar Juncosa leaves on us," the Fundació said in a statement.

Much of the library's books, magazines and newspaper archives were donated by Pilar Juncosa during the first years of operation of the Fundació. In 1986 she donated 9 books, 94 magazines, 105 catalogs and 7 albums with press clippings of Miró from 1918 to 1958.

“My wife Pilar is an ideal companion for me,” said Miró. “Without her, I would be a lost orphan in this world. Outside of my job I have no idea of things or how to organise myself. She is my guardian angel.”