Coronavirus news

Mallorca now at coronavirus "medium risk"

No new cases in nine municipalities in the past fortnight

Sineu, where there have been no new cases of coronavirus for fourteen days. | Lola Olmo


The latest figure for the 14-day cumulative incidence of cases per 100,000 in Mallorca confirms that the island is now classified as being at medium risk. Information from the Balearic health ministry on Saturday indicates that the rate is now 138.16 cases per 100,000; medium risk is defined as being between 50 and 149.

The rate has dropped markedly since reaching a peak of 650.98 cases towards the end of December, and it will fall further as the current seven-day incidence per 100,000 is under half the number of cases for 14 days - 58.7.

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Nevertheless, there are seven municipalities which are still classified as being at extreme risk because the 14-day rate exceeds 250. These figures do take a few days to work through the system, as Montuiri, with the highest incidence (515.11) and Escorca (471.70) are rated the same as they were five days ago. In Escorca, where is only one active case, it is several days since a new one was reported. The other five municipalities are Sa Pobla, Ariany, Soller, Manacor and Vilafranca.

There have been no new cases for 14 days in nine municipalities: Buger, Campanet, Costitx, Deya, Estellencs, Fornalutx, Lloret de Vistalegre, Maria de la Salut and Sineu. Muro has the lowest rate, one of 14.11.

There are eight municipalities in the high risk category (150 to 249 cases) - Banyalbufar, Puigpunyent, Palma, Bunyola, Sant Joan, Inca, Marratxi and Valldemossa.