Hospitality and retail seeking 12,500 million euros direct aid

The two sectors have created an alliance to lobby for aid

Hospitality and retail have been among the hardest-hit sectors. | Archive


The hospitality and retail sectors have formed an alliance to demand urgent direct aid of 12,500 million euros - 8,500 million for hospitality and 4,000 million for retail.

A spokesperson, Paula Nevado, said on Thursday that the alliance is focused on defending the interests of both sectors in order to "prevent the destruction of businesses and jobs". Direct compensatory aid is needed because of closures and limitations on activity which have so far meant the loss of 148,000 businesses, 82,000 million euros turnover, and half a million jobs.

Nevado insisted that there has to be a "serious and well-funded plan". This is why the Spanish government is being asked to establish, as a matter of urgency, a working party to agree on measures that can be adopted immediately in order to save sectors which contribute a fifth of Spain's GDP.

A series of proposals has been presented to the government. These cover financial, labour, rental and tax measures and include claims that have been consistently made in recent months, e.g. an extension of ERTE to the end of the year and exemptions from municipal taxes.

"The situation is extremely serious and we request an urgent response. We appeal to the government's sensitivity," added Nevado, who was critical of the limited aid that has come from regional authorities. It is "derisory" when it comes to sustaining business activity.