Warning issued about text scam in Mallorca

Dozens of text scam victims in Mallorca

Mallorca fake parcel texting scam. | A. Sepúlveda


The National Police and Guardia Civil have issued an urgent warning about a fake parcel texting scam in Mallorca.

Dozens of residents in Mallorca have been affected by the texting scam.

"There has been an incident with your shipment, enter the following link,” is the message that numerous people have received on their mobile phones via SMS or WhatsApp.

Some of the texts are personalised and sent to people using their full name or first name. The scammers reportedly hacked phones and emails to obtain contact information and access new victims. Opening the link allows cybercriminals take control of victims' mobile phones, access their contacts and continue the scam.

The National Police are tracking the scammers and are urging people not to open any text messages about deliveries. The hackers are also allegedly threatening share chats and photos found on mobiles.

A warning has also been issued about Trojan viruses sent via emails to Mallorcan companies in a bid to access their list of suppliers.