The highest temperature in the Balearics in February was 26.2C in Pollensa on the fifth. In Ibiza on the same day, the highest was 23.5C in Sant Antoni de Portmany. In Lluc on the third, a temperature of 23.2C was the highest since current records began 53 years ago. The lowest temperature was -1.9C at the Escorca Son Torrella weather station on February 16.
In terms of rainfall, February was very dry in the whole of the Balearics. The average was 5.7 litres per square metre, whereas the historical average is 43.7. In Mallorca, there was an average of 5.6 litres, 87% lower than usual. At the Arta weather station, there was 1.8 litres, which made last month the second driest since 1997.
The strongest wind was registered on February 1 - 116 kilometres per hour at the Serra d'Alfabia weather station in Bunyola.
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