Mallorca Weather Forecast for Friday

Mallorca Weather Forecast

Bay of Palma, Mallorca. | Wendy Wighton Urquhart


Palma is partly sunny, partly cloudy with occasional showers and the high of 17 degrees will drop to 7 after dark.

Here’s a look at the weather in real time from our webcam in Son Vida.

Calvia is 18 degrees with early morning sunshine, but black clouds will gather at lunchtime bringing the possibility of rain, a high of 18 degrees and an overnight low of 6.

Five day forecast on the Balearic Islands

It’s overcast and raining in Felanitx with a light northerly wind, a high of 16 and a low of 11 degrees.

Alcudia is cloudy, wet and windy with a top temperature of 16 degrees and a low 10.

And it’s 13 degrees in Escorca with a mixture of sunshine, clouds, wind and rain and a low of 6.