New cycling restrictions for the Planícia Estate in Banyalbufar

All-terrain bikes causing erosion on Planícia Estate

Fina Planícia, Banyalbufar, Mallorca. | Teresa Ayuga


New restrictions have been imposed on cyclists riding in the Planícia Estate in Banyalbufar, by the Ministry of the Environment.

A high level of erosion has been discovered on a one kilometre descent that runs from a height of 740 to 940 metres and is highly popular with cyclists, whose all-terrain bikes have thick tyres which are impacting the environment.

The Government insists it’s not a question of demonising any group.

"One bike doesn't hurt the environment, but the repeated passing of groups of cyclists does,” said the Ministry Environment.

Medi Ambient says the cycling restrictions are being introduced in order to reverse the erosion, curb its degradation and aid restoration. Whether the restrictions will be temporary or permanent will depend on how the affected environment recovers.

The Ministry of Environment has once again recommended that cyclists who want to ride on the Serra de Tramuntana routes be informed about which areas can be used and which should not, in order to safeguard the fragile environment.

The 14th century Planícia Estate in the southern Serrra de Tramuntana was acquired by the Ministry of the Environment in February 2009.

Peregrine falcons and bald eagles are nesting on the estate.