Coronavirus news

Any new restrictions to be applied according to health area

Some areas have quite high incidence levels

The director-general of public health in the Balearics, Maria Antònia Font, speaking on Wednesday, | Jaume Morey


The director-general of public health, Maria Antònia Font, said on Wednesday that any new restrictive measures will now be contemplated according to health area.

She identified two areas that are currently of concern because of the cumulative incidence - Porto Cristo and Sant Antoni de Portmany (Ibiza). However, the cases are controlled and the health service doesn't envisage there being specific measures. There are three areas where the cumulative incidence exceeds 100 - Llevant (Porto Cristo, Sant Llorenç, Son Servera), Muntanya (Marratxi) and Valldargent (Palma).

Font explained that if it is unknown exactly where contagions have occurred, action will be taken in the whole health area. This will include the closure of bars and restaurants. Where it is known, e.g. a workplace, there will be specific closure.

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She noted that the health situation is quite good at present, with the R number at 0.81, indicating a deceleration in infections. The 14-day cumulative incidence in the Balearics and Mallorca is just above 50, but the decrease in infections has slowed. Some health areas have high incidence levels, which point to there being community transmission. This can spread to other areas, which it is why it has been decided to apply measures by area.

With regard to the opening of bar and restaurant terraces, Font said that there have been no cases which can be identified with this. However, ten to fourteen days need to elapse before the effect can be seen. As to interiors, she pointed out that the problem isn't in bars as such but with spaces that are not well ventilated.

Asked about a possible closure of beaches, she confined herself to saying that there has to be control to ensure that large groups do not gather. "A beach is not Covid-free." The wearing of masks is obligatory on beaches, expect for swimming.

* Adopting measures according to health area is a return to how things were for a time last year, when there were interventions in parts of Palma as well as the urban centre of Manacor