Foreign students are exploring Mallorca through Erasmus +

The Erasmus + Programme is funded by the EU

Erasmus Students: Laima, Elitsa, Rula, Iris, Marta & Satifatou in Palma. | Julián Aguirre


The Balearic School of Art and Design in Palma has been participating in the Erasmus + programme since 2018, giving students and teachers from Mallorca and elsewhere in Europe the chance to benefit from an unforgettable experience.

During the 2020/21 academic year, the School has maintained its international commitments and student and teacher mobility has continued throughout the pandemic, with strict coronavirus measures in place.

Erasmus Students: Iris Deltheil-Tourrenc & Satifatou Ali Vita in Palma.

Six foreign students are attending Escola d'Art i Disseny during the second semester, from February to June 2021: Marta Perkowska, is a student of Graphic Design at the Akademia Sztuki w Szczezinie in Poland; Elitsa Bakalova, is studying Graphic Design at the Nov Bulgarski Universitet in Sofia, Bulgaria; Satifatou Ali Vita is studying Interior Design at the University of Toulouse Jean Jauès; Iris Deltheil-Tourrenc and Rula Graw are Fashion Design students at Haute École Francisco Ferrer in Brussels and Laima Laurina is a Product Design student at Latvijas Mäkslas Akadëmija in Latvia.

"We are lucky to be in Mallorca during the coronavirus pandemic, it’s much safer and we’ve been able to attend class," they said.

Erasmus Student: Elitsa Bakálova in Palma.

Most of the girls found out about Mallorca via the Internet and chose to join the Erasmu + programme here in order to widen their horizons, explore new cultures, visit new places and meet new people.

"I encourage all students to participate in these programmes because they give them the opportunity to travel and see the world,” says Erasmus + Coordinator, Pilar Rovira.

Erasmus Student: Laima Laurina in Palma.

The girls are all in their 20’s and share an apartment and spend their spare time exploring the Island, going to the beach and sampling Mallorca's fabulous gastronomy.

Margalida Cifre, who’s from Inca, is a Fashion Design student at EASDIB in Rome and she says "studying abroad is an unforgettable experience."

Erasmus +

Erasmus + is an international exchange program for students, teachers and institutions, which was found in 1987 on the initiative of the European Student Association, or AEGEE, with the special support of the Governments of France and Spain.

It’s funded by the EU and every year millions of students from all over the world get the chance to study overseas. Each participant is given a grant to cover some of the costs of their stay.

Erasmus Students: Satifatou Ali Vita & Elitsa Bakálova in Palma.