Next school year "will not be entirely normal"

Masks, etc. are likely to still be required

Balearic education minister, Martí March.


On Wednesday, education minister Martí March acknowledged that the next school year in the Balearics "will not be entirely normal". "Although we must see how the pandemic and the vaccination programme evolve, everything points to there being a continuing need for masks, social distancing and hand-cleaning."

The minister was on a visit to EduCovid, the centre for managing the virus in schools, and thanked the personnel for their contribution to "safe schools and a certain normality in teaching activity".

"EduCovid has brought peace of mind to schools with its information on how to act in the event of there being positive cases. Health and learning have been ensured despite the uncertainties and fears at the start of the school year." The response of pupils, he added, "has been exemplary".