Sales of homes in the Balearics fell 26.5% in 2020

Twelve per cent greater than the national figure

Sales were down in all regions except one. | A. S.


According to figures from the Spanish government (the ministry of transport, mobility and the urban agenda), there was a 26.5% decrease in the sales of homes in the Balearics in 2020. This was the second highest percentage fall in the country.

Nationally, there was a 14.5% decrease to 487,089 sales. The greatest decrease was in the second quarter. This was 47% lower than 2019; there were 78,918 sales. In the first quarter there had been a fall of 17% (a total of 116,029 sales). There was subsequently growth in the third and fourth quarters - 6.8% and one per cent, with sales totalling 132,113 and 160,029 respectively.

There were decreases in 2020 in all regions of the country with the exception of Asturias, where there was 0.9% growth (10,210 sales). The greatest decrease, 30.6%, was in the Canaries.