Coronavirus news

Balearics coronavirus figures for Monday

Eighty new cases for Sunday and Monday combined

Intensive care numbers remain stable. | Teresa Ayuga


The Monday report from the Balearic health ministry indicates 29 new positive cases, which are 22 fewer than on Sunday. There was no report on Sunday, but the Monday update shows that of 51 cases, 44 were in Mallorca. There were five in Minorca and one in both Ibiza and Formentera. The 29 cases on Monday are all in Mallorca. The test rate is 2.08% from 1,394 tests, a lower number than usual because there is less testing on a Sunday.

On hospital wards, there is no change to the number of Covid patients in Mallorca - 31. In Ibiza the number is down one to 23. The numbers of patients in intensive care remain unaltered - Mallorca 20, Ibiza seven.

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Eighty-four more people have recovered, three of whom were in hospital. The total number of people being attended to by the health service in the Balearics is unchanged at 890, while the number being monitored by primary care in Mallorca is down by 14 to 691. Five more deaths have been confirmed; the total is 768.

The 14-day cumulative incidence of new cases per 100,000 in the Balearics is 47.59; in Mallorca it is 49.66. The seven-day incidence is 27.75 (Balearics) and 29.80 (Mallorca). These figures are all up slightly.