Six tax payment instalments for people on ERTE in 2020

The annual tax declaration campaign starts next week

The furlough scheme has been essential. | Teresa Ayuga


People who were under the ERTE furlough scheme in 2020 will be able to pay any tax owing from their 2020 declarations in six instalments from July 20 to December 20. There will be no late payment interest for doing so. Those who wish to pay in this way will need to make a request in advance.

The annual tax declaration campaign starts on April 7, and it will be one marked by ERTE income. The employment service made very low withholdings for ERTE or none at all. People who might normally have been exempt from making a declaration will need to do so as there were two sources of income.

There is concern about people's ability to make the payments. Six instalments will be a way of helping. Two instalments are the normal arrangement. Some 3.5 million people in Spain were on ERTE last year.