Coronavirus news

Balearics have 2nd lowest rate of infection in Spain after Easter

No signs of an abrupt increase in contagion in Mallorca

Easter tourists in Palma. | P. Pellicer


The Balearic Islands is closing Easter with the second lowest cumulative incidence rate in the country.

Dr Javier Arranz, Director of the Autonomous Committee for the Management of Infectious Diseases said on Tuesday that there were no signs of an abrupt increase in contagion after the holidays, but called for caution over the relaxation of restrictions.

Dr Arranz insisted that it is better to wait at least ten days to analyse the impact of Easter and said that the cumulative incidence rate, which now stands at 63.76 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in 14 days and 22.71 in 7 days, does not point to an uncontrolled acceleration of infections.

“The special measures approved by the Inter-territorial Council for Easter will expire this Sunday and the rest of the measures will be reviewed by the Governing Council on Friday,” said Health Minister, Patricia Gómez.

Despite the fact that the health authorities speak of a stabilisation of contagion in the Islands, Salut has confirmed that since the beginning of Easter there have been a dozen outbreaks linked to family or social spheres in the Balearic Islands.

On a positive note, data shows that hospital pressure is easing; admissions have fallen 39% in the last month; the number of patients in the ICU is half of what it was 30 days ago and the current positivity rate is around 1.15%.

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Three other regions in Spain also have a cumulative interest rate below 100 per 100,000 inhabitants in 14 days, after Easter. Valencia is at 32.61, Murcia at 64.78 and Galicia is at 66.84.

But the situation is still worrying in several other places as infections increase. 5 regions are still at extreme risk of infection with more than 250 cases: Navarra has a cumulative incidence rate of 363.2, Madrid is at 287.6, the Basque Country is at 272.8, Ceuta is at 366.9 and Melilla is at 432.9.

In Spain as a whole, the cumulative incidence rate per 100,000 inhabitants in 14 days has increased again to 164.7 cases, which is 1.4 points more than on Monday.

Balearic Vaccinations

With the arrival of a record shipment of doses this week the pace of vaccination will accelerate in the Balearic Islands and the Ministry of Health expects to administer around 7,600 vaccines a day. The goal is to immunise as many people as possible to keep the rate of infection low.

The mass vaccination centre at Manacor Racecourse will open this week and immunisation of those aged 70 to 79 will get underway in the coming days.

More than 127,000 people in the Balearic Islands have now received at least one dose of the Covid vaccine, which is roughly 13% of the population.