Coronavirus news

Coronavirus restrictions eased in Mallorca

Balearic perimeter fence & extra Easter measures lifted

Social gatherings in Mallorca. | Pexels


From April 12, the perimeter closure of the Balearic Islands and the extra coronavirus measures imposed over Easter will be lifted and social gatherings will be permitted in private homes with a maximum of 6 people from two families.

Government Spokesperson and Tourism Minister, Iago Negueruela, has called for responsibility in all social meetings.

The lifting of the perimeter fence also means national and international travel won’t have to be justified.

But bar and restaurant interiors in Mallorca will remain closed until April 26, by which time the effect of the Easter holidays on infections will be known for sure. Terraces must continue to close at 17:00 and capacity is limited to 50%.

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Mallorca remains at level 2 risk of infection, Ibiza has also now moved to level 2 and Minorca and Formentera are at level 1.

“The different restrictions in the Islands is based on health criteria, which is supported by epidemiological data and scientific studies in different environments that allow activity in sensitive economic sectors but at a minimum level of activity and understanding the difficulties and situation of sectors such as catering and others with significant constraints,” said Minister Negeruela.

He added that the restrictions are being extended now in order to safeguard the summer season.

"We can't lower our guard, we have to keep the virus at bay, think about other people and remember that a good part of our economy depends on us reaching the summer with conditions that allow us to activate the tourist season, that is key for thousands of workers,” he said.

These decisions were taken at the Social Dialogue Table, chaired by the President of the Balearic Government, Francina Armengol, who was accompanied by the Vice President and Minister of Energy Transition, Productive Sectors & Democratic Memory, Juan Pedro Yllanes; Finance & Foreign Affairs Minister, Rosario Sánchez; Government Spokesperson & Tourism Minister, Iago Negueruela; Social Affairs & Sports Minister, Fina Santiago and Health & Consumer Affairs Minister, Patricia Gómez; Pimem President, Jordi Mora; CAEB Vice President; Rafel Roig UGT General Secretary Lorenzo Navarro and CCOO General Secretary, José Luis García.