Majorca tourism

TUI Spain signs deal with unions that will affect 13% of its workforce

160 holiday jobs at threat across the Balearics and Spain

Passengers queue at a TUIfly check-in counter of the international airport in Duesseldorf, Germany, bound for Palma. EFE/EPA/SASCHA STEINBACH | EFE


The leading tourist group in Germany, TUI, has closed negotiations with the unions to sign an Employment Regulation File (ERE) that will affect 13% of its workforce in the Balearics and other Spanish holiday destinations in which it has operational headquarters and it will affect a total of 160 workers.

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The agreement was ratified on Wednesday night between the representatives of TUI and the unions UGT, CCOO and USO.

Union sources indicate that the German tourist will relocate part of the affected workers, many of them in the Balearic Islands.