Sunday shopping is back!

The large stores reopened on Saturdays in mid-March

Large stores normally open on certain days a year. | Miquel À. Cañellas


The Balearic government's trade directorate is proposing a relaxation of measures as they apply to large stores. At a meeting on Tuesday with business associations, it was announced that the government's intention is to allow stores of more than 700 square metres to open on authorised Sundays and on public holidays.

In keeping with the policy of the "slow de-escalation" of restrictive measures, the government will be insisting that these stores have CO2 meters that are visible to the public. Customers will be able to check that conditions are optimal and that there is no risk of infection.

This change will be discussed further at the Thursday meeting of the social dialogue table of government, business and union representatives.

Large stores, and this doesn't apply to supermarkets, only open on certain Sundays each year. As far as the measures are concerned, they have been able to open on Saturdays since mid-March.