Meetings from Monday to discuss opening of bar and restaurant interiors

Government and business associations due to start talking

Will there be a reopening from May 10? | Pere Bota


Following Thursday's meeting of the social dialogue table, the word from the Confederation of Balearic Business Associations (CAEB) and the Pimem federation of small to medium-sized businesses was that the Balearic government has promised to work on the opening of bar and restaurant interiors.

Jordi Mora of Pimem said that meetings with the government will start on Monday. These will focus on how and when interiors can open, Mora stressing the necessity for a sector "that is going through a very difficult time". "There has been no talk of dates, but there is a commitment to get working on this."

Carmen Planas of the CAEB stated that aid from the Spanish government must start to arrive "as soon as possible", a point supported by the general secretaries of the CCOO and UGT unions, José Luis Garcìa and Lorenzo Navarro. On interiors, the CAEB has raised the possibility to an opening from May 10 with a reservations' system.

The business and union representatives were as one in appreciating that the UK is to classify the Balearics as green in the travel traffic lights plan. Navarro stressed that the message must be that the Balearic Islands are "a safe place for travel". Supportive of the Balearic government's measures, he added that he understood the "desperation of restaurant owners, but we have to make efforts in order that there is a tourist season".

García highlighted the fact that Easter didn't provoke a rise in coronavirus incidence and that the objective must be to maintain the encouraging health conditions so that there is a start of the season in June. "It's important to go little by little at this key moment."