April electricity bills up by over 40%

A year ago, the kWh price was the lowest for 16 years

An average increase of 26 euros compared with a year ago. | Efe


According to an analysis by the Facua consumers association, electricity bills in April have risen on average by 46.4%.

The study of the semi-regulated tariff indicates that, with the average price per kilowatt hour (kWh) in April, the average bill is 81.55 euros. This compares with 55.71 euros a year ago - a difference of 26 euros. The kWh has gone up by 70.7% from 9.98 euros (indirect taxes included) in April last year to 17.04 euros. In April 2020, the kWh price was the lowest for sixteen years.

The price is primarily the consequence of the high cost of CO2 in Europe. This, explains Facua, continues to be decisive in configuring rates for the Spanish wholesale market. Despite the rise, the association advises consumers not to "fall into the trap" of contracting free market rates and instead to maintain or sign up for the semi-regulated voluntary price for the small consumer (PVPC), which is offered by providers approved by the government. PVPC, says Facua, is the "most competitive" rate.

The association regrets that the government is not speeding up the fulfilment of commitments, such as lowering the price of the "potencia", while it wants to see a substantial reduction in indirect taxes, which are above 27%.