Coronavirus news

Pharmacies offering service to make vaccination appointments

For now, the phone appointment system is also operating

The Bitcita system is intended to speed up the vaccination programme. | Pere Bota


The Balearic health service has entered into an agreement with the College of Pharmacists whereby online vaccination appointments can be made at pharmacies.

It has become apparent that there are members of the public who are unable to make online appointments through the Bitcita system. The assistance of the College has therefore been sought, so from now on pharmacies will provide a service to make appointments for those who need them.

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Bitcita was launched in the middle of last month. An intention was to speed up the vaccination programme, appointments having been made by the health service phoning members of the public. This phone system is still also being used for the time being.

So far, over 10,000 people have made appointments online. At present, appointments made this way are for people born between 1952 and 1961. The health service will shortly be extending the vaccination programme to the 50 to 59 age group.