Spotlight North: North Mallorca Lions continuing to help those in urgent need

Obviously we are still restricted by the Covid-19 pandemic regulations

Lions International based in Pollensa. | Susan Mackay


We are a branch of Lions International based in Pollensa in the north of Mallorca. The motto of Lions is "We Serve", and in these very tough times we are doing our best to support those most in need in our local community.

During the last month we have bought more than seventy pairs of trainers for the children of the most needy families. We have paid the fees for rugby training for a special needs child and fees for an online training course regarding domestic violence.

Our continuing support of the local food bank has involved us donating two vanloads of non-perishable goods, including olive oil, sardines, tuna, coffee, chickpeas, rice, tomato frito and washing machine detergent. We are making another delivery in a couple of days.

Palma Lions have an initiative "Comidas para Todos". They pay for a refrigerated lorry and employ a full-time driver. They have a contract with Lidl and six days a week they collect all the fresh fruit and vegetables which are nearing their sell-by date from every Lidl store on the island. These are then distributed to food banks and soup kitchens. We received two deliveries this past month and will be getting a delivery the day prior to each food bank day for the foreseeable future. They are also supplying Hope Pollensa along with several other charities throughout the island.

Obviously we are still restricted by the Covid-19 pandemic regulations. We haven't been able to hold fundraising activities since February 2020. We are so grateful to our supporters, our Friends of North Mallorca Lions. Without your generosity we would not be able to continue with our endeavours. Thank you so much.

For further information and for anyone interested in helping, please contact Susan Mackay -