Police arrest members of notorious Latino gang

The Los Trinitarios gang has resurfaced

Police went to an incident on the Son Castelló estate. | Policia Nacional


The National Police homicide squad has arrested at least two people who attempted to free a detainee from a police patrol car.

At around 4.30am on June 7, the police received a call from a health centre reporting that there was a man with a stab wound in the back. Officers ascertained that moments before he had been in the vicinity of the Es Gremi club on the Son Castelló industrial estate, where a friend on a moped had been attacked by a group.

The officers went to the scene and proceeded to arrest one of the group. Once he was inside their patrol car, the others attempted to free him. Bottles were thrown, and the police were threatened. "We are going to kill you. Let our friend go or you are going to die." At this point, the officers drew their guns.

The case was passed to the homicide squad, who have made the connection between individuals involved in the incident and the 'Los Trinitarios' gang. The two people who have been arrested are members of this gang and have police records for, among other things, criminal conspiracy, causing injury and gender-based violence.

The Los Trinitarios gang was notorious some years ago. It was the most violent of the Latino gangs in Palma. A major police operation in 2008 brought the gang down and it disappeared. It has since resurfaced.